The Weaving Way

Weaving on an old fashioned loom is joyful, gratifying, contemplative. It is an ideal antidote to the hustle of our busy lives. If you are searching for a way to connect with your inner self, this simple experience is truly transformative.

Gather a group of your closest friends to join me in my "The Weaving Way" a celebration that combines handweaving with mindfulness and soul nourishinment. In this two hour workshop you will discover an ancient ancestral craft, reconnect with yourself and learn to slow down. I will guide you in the creation of a simple, beautiful and useful handweaving. You will be a part of a long lineage of women's circles, using your hands to craft in community, as has been done for centuries.

A "The Weaving Way" gathering is the perfect way to commemorate a birthday or landmark occasion.



  • Instruction on how to handweave.
  • A finished handweaving and the deep satisfaction of making something by hand.
  • The opportunity to gather with your friends.
  • Everything you will need to make one finished handweaving.

 Discuss details with Kate.