Learn to Weave

Learn to Weave

Weaving on an old-fashioned loom is joyful, gratifying, and contemplative. It is an ideal antidote to the hustle of our busy lives. If you are searching for a way to connect with your inner self, this simple experience is truly transformative.

Join me in my "Weaving as Meditation" class, an expert let celebration that combines handweaving with mindfulness and self-nourishment. In this two-hour session, you will discover an ancient ancestral craft, reconnect with yourself and learn to slow down. I will guide you in the creation of a simple, beautiful, and useful handweaving, teaching you about meditation and relaxed and open breathing. You will be a part of a long lineage of women's circles, using your hands to craft in community, as has been done for centuries.

Contact Kate to find out about pricing and creating this gathering on zoom or in your home, store, or another setting.


  • A small 7" x 7" metal loom and enough cotton loops to weave two hand weavings.
  • Instruction on how to make a handweaving.
  • Teaching on breathing and meditation techniques.
  • Moments of peace and deep stillness.